Once upon a time there were three little chicks who lived with a new chicken owner. This is their story and how they grew up under the Live Oak trees and Spanish Moss of Tallahassee, FL.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome Post!

Hello Everyone!
This is the new and always improving... Southern Backyard Chickens blog. I have always wanted chickens for as long as I can remember. It hasn't happened before now, because for most of my adult life, I have lived in urban environments. The trend to raise backyard chickens is so big now, that there are plenty of people who ARE having chickens in their urban environments. If that sounds like you, check out:

However, I have waited until now, the weekend of Easter in 2010, to get my much-anticipated baby chicks. I have been researching for a couple of months on the best breed of chicken, what kind of shelter do I want to provide, is it legal in my area (more on that later), and the various (but few) responsibilities involved in backyard chicken ownership.

I almost got my chickens 2 weeks ago. I found three baby chicks of the breeds that I was interested in, but I felt unprepared as to their shelter arrangements. Those three breeds were the
Black Australorp

the Buff Orpington

and a Red sex-link chicken

Now that I am ready for my chicks, those three have gotten too large at the Feed Store to be able to remain content in my homemade brooder, and on Good Friday I took home three 2 day old baby chicks which are "allegedly" Araucana's. They may very well be Easter Egger chickens, but I'm OK with that, too. But the owner of the feedstore said he was guaranteed Araucana's, we will see as they grow.

Thank you for following along with my Southern Backyard Chicken blog. This is only my first post, and I already have so much to share with you, but I will pace myself as I celebrate the joys and any tribulations that may come with my flock. I always appreciate Comments, so don't hesitate to share or ask questions!

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