Once upon a time there were three little chicks who lived with a new chicken owner. This is their story and how they grew up under the Live Oak trees and Spanish Moss of Tallahassee, FL.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Chickies Get A Permanent Home in the Backyard!

Just when we thought we were out of chicken housing options and were facing a chicken crisis, we found a solution. Donna kept checking Craig's list for possible chicken homes. We didn't find any chicken houses, but we did find a dog house built by a local, recent high school grad. I decided we would visit the local Craig's List poster. If he could build a dog house, could he modify it for use with chickens? When we met Grant, the builder of the dog house, we knew we had come to the right place. His place was further out into the rural part of our town, and he had at least 100 chickens, of many different breeds. Grant's chickens were well kept and preening like show dogs. This was a guy who loved and understood chickens. He agreed to modify the dog house into a chicken tractor. Here's Grant with the finished product in our backyard and the the chickens enjoying their new home.

Once we had the new coop in the backyard, we painted the tin roof and exposed wood green to make it more visually appealing for our neighbors.

The new home has turned out to be a winner. Rhett still enjoys looking after the chickens.

We occasionally have to move the chickens out when we move the tractor and put in water and food. Today, all three chickens got out of the tractor and were roaming around the backyard. Luckily, there were no hawks around to dive bomb them. Donna managed to round the chickens up and catch them with a butterfly net that we use for that exact purpose.

Here they are happily back in their tractor. We've got about three or four weeks before they're fully mature. We're looking forward to getting some eggs soon!

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